by Fabio Badolato & Jonny Costantino
Italy, color, 102′, 2020/2024
If you beat someone until you massacre him - if you possess a body until you break through - If you get high until you blast - if you eat until you explode - if you laugh until you choke - if you suffer until you wheeze - all this means: Sbundo.
Sbundo is an excessive way of being in the world. Ready for impact. Launched towards the crash.
Sbundo is a film with no good or bad guys. There are no heroes. There is a wrecked humanity. There is the end of a man. There is a betrayed friendship. There is a deep dive into body and mind of a broken man. There is the breath of the night and there is the bitterness of honey. There is the call of the sea. There is the stench of dead fish. There are wasps. The fall is free. The horizon is blind. A journey with no return.
A film conceived written directed photographed filmed edited produced by Fabio Badolato and Jonny Costantino. Extreme from several perspectives. Linguistic and sexual: there is swearing and explicit acts. Cultural and moral: political correctness was not a limit for the authors.
In conflict with the land from which they come and where Sbundo takes place, the directors Badolato and Costantino sought the short circuit between documentary narration and experimentation, a short circuit that irradiates a truth that is, first and foremost, human. But its socio-anthropological harshness must not distract from the essential: Sbundo is cinema of poetry.
PREMIÈRe 12/10/2024 Cinéma du Panthéon PARIS